Although Medicare does cover specific acupuncture treatments, acupuncture performed by Acupuncturists are not covered under Medicare at this time (Medicare is a government benefit under CMS, which covers treatment by physicians only). BHO is not contracted with any specific insurance company so that it can meet the needs of anyone that walks through our door. Upon request we can generate a superbill that can be turned into your insurance company for reimbursement directly to you. The Wisconsin Society of Acupuncturists (WISCA) is actively lobbying for acupuncturists to be included as practitioners of Medicare Benefits. This has been a priority for many states the last several years.
At this time BHO is waiting to be re-established with the VA services for treatment coverage. BHO offers a discount to veterans as well as active military & family members. A referral from your primary practitioner at the VA must be obtained for the Veterans Choice Program with a list of current practitioners available. Please contact your local VA for information.
Most FSA & HSA benefits cover acupuncture/adjunct services (massage, infrared therapy, phototherapy), but may not cover non service items (supplements, oils, herbal formulas). HSA/FSA may have specific protocols with regards to treatment packages. Follow up with your policy prior to coming in for your selected service. BHO is considered a medical practitioner & FSA/HSA cards are part of our payment process.