Woman's Health & Fertility
Woman's Health & Fertility
Response to pain is related to the limbic system
Response to stress is as emotional as it is physical
Pain & stress are directly related to gynecological issues
Painful cycles. PMS, cramping, clotting, GI upset, headaches -all considered part of the process- is not how Traditional Chinese Medicine views a "normal" cycle. There are specific reasons these symptoms manifest; acupuncture, its adjuncts & herbal formulas along with nutritional health balance hormones, reduce your body's inflammatory & stress responses, regulates & promotes gynecological health.
Perimenopause, menopause & post menopause can be a painful, emotionally exhaustive rollercoaster. Mood changes, weight gain, insomnia, hot flashes/night sweats, headaches, vertigo, vaginal dryness, cognitive changes, anxiety & depression may be experienced in any stage. Fibromyalgia symptoms mimic perimenopause indicators, intensifying when progesterone & estrogen levels are low, with myalgia pain being chronic in postmenopausal women.
Looking through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine these symptoms identify a pattern & it is that pattern that is treated. Regulating the liver, invigorating the spleen while nourishing your essence are provided during an acupuncture/adjunct treatment yet specific to your pattern & needs.
The decision to start a family can be a stressful one, difficulty conceiving from a female & male perspective is daunting, emotional, exhausting. At BHO, acupuncture, its adjuncts, along with herbal medicine benefit the spectrum of fertility & successful pregnancy. BHO works with your timeline in that spectrum, establishing a plan of care for each phase of your fertility journey. Nutrition, balance & stress relief whether via family planning or ART, working along side your OB, Reproductive Endocrinologist or CNM - acupuncture/massage/footwork/stimulation - helps your body create the environment for healthy implant, pregnancy, delivery & post partum care. Whether your fertility issue is "unexplained" or has a diagnosis
treating the pattern that we see - patient focused & individualized- optimizing the treatment from your physician.
As our protocols enhance Western methods (from both perspectives), we also provide emotional support, educational support & nutritional support encouraging proactive decision-making that will decrease your stress in whatever stage of the fertility journey
Our goal is to meet your goal-a healthy viable pregnancy.

Fertility Consultation & protocol with plan of care specific to individual pattern diagnosis and allopathic treatment
Fertility Consultation & protocol with plan of care specific to individual pattern diagnosis and allopathic treatment
support & care: miscarriage or recurrent pregnancy loss
cycle regulation & optimizing ovulation
promotes follicle growth & sperm health
optimal implantation success
mitigates risk of ovarian hyperstimulation
aide​s nausea, fatigue, insomnia, body aches & changes that occur during pregnancy
aides breech presentation & labor transition
post partum support & lactation